NE 85th Street Station Area Plan, Kirkland, WA
District Energy Strategy, Integration into Sustainability Framework
Steven Baumgartner worked closely with an integrated team led by Mithun Architects in advancing the overall sustainability strategy for the NE 85th Station Area Energy Framework. Key to this was an Energy Framework outlining key distributed energy resources, centralization opportunities and district electrification and decarbonization pathways.
Sound Transit's ST3 Regional Transit System Plan is bringing a once-in-a-generation transit investment to Kirkland by redeveloping the interchange at 85th and I-405. The new interchange will include a new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Station, expected to be complete in 2025. Kirkland's Station Area Plan will look at how we can make the most of this regional investment to create the best value and quality of life for Kirkland. The Station Area Planning process will provide the community with an opportunity to envision the future for this area.
The Station Area Plan will encourage an equitable and sustainable transit-oriented community as part of the significant growth expected in Greater Downtown Kirkland. It will build on recent efforts such as the Kirkland 2035 Comprehensive Plan, the Greater Downtown Kirkland Urban Center proposal, and other city-wide initiatives addressing housing, mobility, and sustainability. The final plan will provide a visual and policy framework for future redevelopment and growth within approximately a half-mile of the BRT station.
Location: Kirkland, WA
Mithun, BERK, ECONorthwest, Fehr & Peers, Herrera Rushing, Habil
Client: City of Kirkland Date: 2022